The new EcoTyre 2024 report has been published

The new EcoTyre 2024 report has been published (all data refers to 2023).

A total of 40,541,722 kg of ELTs were collected in all Italian regions, through 17,564 collections with an average weight of 2,308 kg each. The majority of collections, 17,160, involved tire dealers and mechanical workshops and 376 were carried out at car dismantlers in the ACI network. All regions exceeded the annual collection target set by law, with over 2 thousand collections in Sicily, Lazio and Piedmont, and with an overall increase in collection points of 2 thousand units.

A very high punctuality rate in collections was guaranteed: 81.46% of timely collections were carried out in urban areas and 76.54% in peripheral areas.

It is also possible to have all the information on the collection in real time: tables and graphs are shared on the Consortium website to verify the trend of collections according to the parameters of the geographical area, the type of ELT and the tire dealers served.

Download the report in PDF format

For 13 years, from the Alpine municipalities to the smaller islands, all Italian territories have been served in a widespread and efficient way by EcoTyre: of the total collected, approximately 38.5 million kg come from the national spare parts network, 1.7 million kg from ACI car dismantlers, while the remainder comes from the 28 extraordinary collections associated with the "Zero ELT" project for the extraordinary collection of ELTs dispersed in the environment, in collaboration with associations and volunteers. These interventions are also accompanied by communication and awareness-raising activities to combat waste abandonment and enhance the correct supply chain. The management of ELTs is supported by 96 EcoTyre Partners of which 77 Logistics Partners - companies specialized in return logistics - and 19 Recycling Partners who deal with treatment and recovery.

Partners are selected based on sustainability criteria, favoring local companies and plants to reduce the kilometers traveled by ELTs. In 2023, 96.2% of the transport fleet consisted of Euro 5 or Euro 6 vehicles.

Overall, EcoTyre has started the correct recovery of approximately 540 million kg of ELTs, equivalent to approximately 72 million pieces which, if placed in a row, would exceed the entire circumference of the Earth at the equator.

The consortium, which generates an economic value of approximately 17.5 million euros, is equivalent to a medium-large sized industry, with a total of 97 resources employed between direct and indirect employees plus 2 external experts dedicated to research and development activities , and continues to have the national record for the number of Italian, European and international members who rely on EcoTyre for the end-of-life management of new tires placed on the market each year (803 Members).

From Rubber to Rubber
EcoTyre is the first company to have set itself the ambitious objective of completing the rubber circularity cycle, i.e. making possible the use of rubber directly deriving from ELTs for the production of tires and other rubber products such as pipes, gaskets, bitumen and other objects. With this project, various applications have been created demonstrating the economic and technological sustainability of the project.

1.5 million km of road were covered to carry out the tests and between 2024 and 2028 the diffusion of these products throughout the EcoTyre fleet and promotion throughout the rubber supply chain are expected.

“This year too we exceeded the objectives of our National Collection Plan. In 2023 we achieved 68.22% of collections with small tire dealers, continuing the policy of widespread management and providing services even in peripheral or disadvantaged areas" - comments Enrico Ambrogio, President of EcoTyre - "I am pleased to highlight the capillarity of collections to the benefit of small tire dealers and the increase in the punctuality rate in collections; results obtained thanks to the technical and management tools used, which also guarantee accuracy in reporting to the supervisory bodies. Particular attention was paid to the quality of the recovery, continuing to favor the recovery of material over other possible solutions. In 2023 we started recovering 54.5% of the ELTs collected, but with new developments we hope to increase this share".

“With regards to our commitment to the Circular Economy, the 'From Gomma to Gomma' research and development project has continued apace and has now entered the 5.0 phase, with important new technical and industrial partnerships. Thanks to the exciting results obtained, it was made possible to identify a new use for rubber directly derived from ELTs in normal production sectors” concludes Ambrogio.

5 July 2024